Bine ai venit! Sunt bucuroasa ca vrei sa petreci alaturi de mine o pauza de ceai... sau o clipa de relaxare... Te astept oricand.
luni, 22 iulie 2013
clipa de muzica
If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day
Till Eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you
If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then,
Again, I would spend them with you
But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go
Through time with
If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty
Except for the memory
Of how they were answered by you
But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go
Through time with
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Let.s try to save time in a bottle :)
RăspundețiȘtergere:) Incercam fiecare sa pastram toate clipele frumoase si sa risipim cat mai putine :) Toate cele bune, Teodora!
ȘtergereOooo, ce melodie si, mai ales, ce versuri! FRUMOS, FRUMOS, FRUMOS!
O saptamana frumoasa si plina de bucurii!
Ma bucur ca ti-a placut, Alexandra! Jim Croce a compus aceasta melodie dupa nasterea fiului sau. Din pacate, cu Jim timpul n-a avut rabdare si n-a apucat sa-si vada baiatul crescand.
ȘtergereO saptamana frumoasa si tie!